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Our Services

Dialogistics® Training is guided by highly experienced facilitators and engages participants who customize their experiences to support a valuable group experience. One of our key training areas is developing intercultural sensitivity and self-awareness. We believe that understanding oneself and recognizing the uniqueness of others is crucial for building deeper connections and fostering empathy. Through interactive activities and cultural immersion experiences facilitated by our Cultural Engagement Kits ©, participants are able to explore their own identities and expand their cultural awareness, enabling them to engage authentically with others. Another important aspect of our training is centered around the humanities in health. We recognize the significance of addressing social determinants of health (SDOH), promoting health equity, and cultivating cultural competency and humility within healthcare practices. Language plays a pivotal role in shaping our perceptions and interactions. That's why we emphasize the power of language in our training. We encourage participants to recognize the richness of linguistic diversity and strive for linguistic competency. Finally, as computers technology becomes ubiquitous in various settings, we recognize the need to adapt and discover innovative ways to connect with diverse audiences and nurture a sense of belonging. We prioritize language and cultural considerations to ensure that our digital interactions create meaningful and engaging experiences for all.

CEP Standard 

CEP delivered to customer defined groups (e.g. business schools, HR consulting firms, managers).

Receive a certificate of completion.

Dialogistics Living and Working Together

Three-Step Process

A foundation of discovery, engagement, and support


Pre-training questionnaire to address individual needs and desired outcomes.


An in-person or virtual workshop where participants will engage in activities backed by research-proven methodologies.


A post-training evaluation and technical report based on discovery and workshop results.


Company employees or educators trained to deliver CEP to their employees; addresses customers that want to deploy CEP across a large number of employees and integrated into their HR system.

Receive a certificate of completion.

Dialogistics Living and Working Together

New Hire

Part of orientation process of new hires.

Dialogistics Living and Working Together


Implement CEP to solve an immediate problem with a quick response team; possibly delivered virtually.

Stand-by Diversity

Available to companies, hospitals, tech industries, government agencies and law firms based on annual memberships.

Dialogistics Living and Working Together


We can simply supplement what you already have.

Advisory Session

When it comes to work place engagement and cross-cultural and cross-linguistic interaction, it is daunting to know where to start or which path would work best for your team or organization. We have designed these discovery sessions to provide you with guidance. If you decide to move forward with any of our programs highlighted above, we will apply this consulting fee to your final bill.

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